
Category: Reviews

Ambiguous – Stone Cross

As I play the first moody piece of this Slovakian dark ambient act it feels like I’m being pulled into an immensely deep hole in the ground. Everywhere around, sounds arise and fall away in the reverb-drenched atmosphere. There is a feeling of hopelessness that runs as a thread through the album. A sense that nothing can be done to change the tides.

Memmaker – How To Enlist In A Robot Uprising (deluxe edition)

This is the Deluxe Edition of the 2007 release, “How To Enlist In A Robot Uprising”, from Guillaume Nadon and Yann Faussurier. The release includes the remastered original album and a bonus disc of remixes by such incredible artists as Stendeck, Xotox, Fractured, Cervello Electronico and a new song by Famine featuring It-Clings. I will focus on the new additions of remixes for the second disc of the deluxe edition, “How To Remix A Robot Uprising”.