CD, Tympanik Audio, 2009 Now with five albums and numerous remix and compilation credits to his name, Toronto-based electronic musician and visual artist Michael Morton – otherwise known as [ … ]
Category: Reviews
Pine Tree State Mind Control – Esquimaux
3″ CD-R, [walnut + locust], 2009 “Welcome to the official Pine Tree State Mind Control information center.” With dystopian movies like “Equilibrium” or “A Clockwork” Orange and related books [ … ]
.cut feat. Gibet – A Stale Affair: Bleach Bride Remixed
3″ CD-R, [walnut + locust], 2009 It’s hard to write something constructive about a 3″ CD-R with 4 remixes of the same track. The original is from “Angel of [ … ]
Dead Man’s Hill – Speaking In The Tongues Of The Universal Reporter: Live In Hof Ter Loo
CD-R, Bugs Crawling Out Of People, 2009 On the 5th of April in 2008 there was a festival in the north of the Belgian city of Antwerp. Under the [ … ]
100blumen – Down with the system, long live the system!
CD, Ant-Zen, 2009 This latest release in an interesting career of industrial music is just another stepping stone in 100blumen’s campaign to, in their words, “destroy western civilisation with [ … ]
ADMX-71 – Luminous Vapors
CD, Hands Productions, 2009 If the revolution ever comes, and the machines enslave us all, Adam X (in his new guise as ADMX-71) will be spared the firing squads [ … ]
Ahnst Anders – Many Ways
CD, Ant-Zen, 2009 Ahnst Anders has been lurking on the periphery of the ‘rhythm n’ noise’ scene for a while. His work represents the more reflective, introspective side of [ … ]
Colin Johnco – Another Electric Girl
CD-R/free download, Colin Johnco Records, 2009 “Another Electric Girl” is a release from French resident Colin Johnco who I admit I can’t really find too much information on through [ … ]
Stupre – Priceless
CD, Cortex Records, 2009 For a debut album, this isn’t half bad. Stupre, hailing from the nethers of Alsace, France, create a nostalgic version of dark electro that evinces [ … ]
Xentrifuge – Converting Infinity
CD, NoiTekk, 2009 A short summary of what to expect from this act, taken verbatim from their MySpace page: “Xentrifuge (Zen-tri-fyooj): a machine in which audio devastation is manufactured.” [ … ]