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Artridge – Finished Soundtracks For Unshot Films

Artridge - Finished Soundtracks For Unshot Films

CD, Interlink, 2004

The title to this album describes the sounds contained within to one hundred percent accuracy.
Dark atmospherics and subtle droning soundscapes combined with upbeat electronics and elements of brass and stringed instruments make for a relaxed and enjoyable background music listening experience. Place this album in a digital art show setting as a soundtrack to an aspiring film artist’s representation of the injustices involved in expropriations and you would have a perfect match.
“Finished Soundtracks for Unshot Films” is very well-made and is in a constant fluctuation in tempo and attitude, which is more than anyone could ask for in a score. With the variety of musical styling, original sampling, and very competent production, the final score for this album is a four-and-a-half out of a possible five habanero peppers.


— Ethan Cohen

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