Tundra Dubs are a relatively new label, having just celebrated their first birthday, but what a year it has been for them having released some gorgeous releases to great critical acclaim. We spoke to Ben about why he started the label, why vinyl is so exciting for him, and what the next year might bring for Tundra Dubs.
∆AIMON: a new kind of noise
Hailing from San Diego, California, ΔAIMON are becoming a duo to be reckoned with. Widely recognised as part of the growing Witch House scene, but covering the likes of Swans, and having influences like Throbbing Gristle, Coil and Foetus, amongst many others, they seem to share a close link to both noise and industrial music as well.
Which Witch?
Flint Glass – Connexion Bizarre Podcast Identification [exclusive] oOoOO – Sedsumting [oOoOO – Tri Angle] Funerals – Out There [Marae EP – Tundra Dubs] LAKE R▲DIO – Tapeface [Planet Earth [ … ]
Videos: Playing with Trippy Tentacles
Another video playlist. Titled this with a play on words with this weeks videos
Videos: Kate recommends
A quick selection of videos, with no particular theme, that staffer Kate T. found interesting at the moment…
Weird Noises in my Brain
Benefits of Exercise & Healthy Eating by Your Marque Team We all hear we’re supposed to work out and eat healthy, but why? You might be surprised how much these [ … ]
Sad Panda
Flint Glass – Connexion Bizarre Podcast identifier [exclusive] Kilowatts – 4am Highway (Gift Culture Remix) [Problems/Solved – Artificial Music Machine] Ginormous – Joy When You Come [The Sound of Love [ … ]
The Giant Pigeon has an accomplice mix
Flint Glass – Connexion Bizarre Podcast identifier [exclusive] The Pixies – Where is my mind? (Bassnectar Remix) [online release] Moderat – Slow Match (Feat Paul St. Hilaire) [Moderat (Basic Version) [ … ]
the_empath – Meanwhile
Five years is a long time to get an album together. Sometimes the time taken is a good thing; otherwise, it’s occasionally disappointing. This is not the case here. This is time travel in music form – a varied, interesting and worthwhile journey for any electronic music aficionado.
Zero Degree – Probe
There comes a point when you just know what to expect from something when the press release quotes that movie, and not just the movie but that one line… “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…”, etc. It’s the ‘go to’ quotation for something that needs that moody, futurist sheen to it. In this case, the quote is very appropriately used.