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Nebula-H – H

Nebula-H - H

Enhanced CD, Alfa Matrix, 2002

From the beginning, Alfa-Matrix has been presenting the public with catchy, easy-listening, dance-floor oriented material without much substance to it and Nebula-H, a project of Deranged Psyche (ex-Fuze Box Machine) and Mika Goedrijk (This Morn’ Omina), isn’t exactly an exception with their debut album.
“H” is a very competent piece of work, consisting of high-voltage, strictly dance-floor material, with obvious trance and tribal influences, not unlike This Morn’ Omina but definitely more “accessible” to a general audience. The lyrical and vocal parts aren’t all bad even if in some tracks they have a somewhat secondary role, seeming to be in the music only to make the point that Nebula-H isn’t just trance-techno.
Not exactly something that can be hailed as ‘genius’ or particularly innovative, “H” is nevertheless a well-produced piece of work and one of those albums that might survive the test of time and strike a few chords of nostalgia in the future as well.


— Miguel de Sousa

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